En las últimas semanas, numerosos usuarios llenaron Twitter con versiones en diferentes estilos, desde pinturas rupestres hasta jeroglíficos egipcios pasando por antiguas ilustraciones japoneses o indias.
Ok here's my contribution to the Woman Yelling at Cat meme X Lascaux hahaha thanks to @Naminational for the crazy idea. pic.twitter.com/aAL4KRtXKV— Amy (@Tsukiyono) January 24, 2020
Back in November, I introduced to the world my memephora series beginning with this gem now available in my shop. Link in bio. #Catmeme #catmemes #womanyellingatcat #womanyellingatacat pic.twitter.com/tAPn5ogwzi— JD Cox (@DancingHeron) January 23, 2020
So my uncle Wangchuk is a traditional Tibetan artist and he made this Tibetan thangka version of the cat meme. #Catmeme #WomanYellingAtCat #Tibetan #Thangka #Art pic.twitter.com/Pyvha7Ahwo— Urgyen (@UrgyenB) January 23, 2020
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